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News and Articles

Motivational Monday: Empowerment

Motivational Monday: Empowerment

Motivational Monday: Empowerment

Feeling empowered is not only connected to weight loss and body image. There is SO much more that goes into feeling empowered, strong and confident. Read more...

Motivational Monday : Why Perfectionism can hold You Back

Why Perfectionism can hold You Back

Motivational Monday : Why Perfectionism can hold You Back

Do you feel like you need to eat ‘perfectly’ or you have failed? You’re either moving forward or you’re moving backwards… there’s no middle ground?

 Why this way of thinking can hold you back? Read more...

Motivational Monday: Set it & Forget it… Why Habits Matter

Set it & Forget it… Why Habits Matter

Motivational Monday: Set it & Forget it… Why Habits Matter

Relying on energy and motivation to push us in the right direction is not realistic.  It’s the rare person that ‘feels like’ working out, planning their meals or batch cooking. Read more...

Motivational Monday: Celebrate where you are

 Don't mourn where you were... Celebrate where you are

Motivational Monday: Celebrate where you are

It’s super easy to be hard on ourselves and be thinking about those ‘glory days’, but thinking like this doesn’t help us NOW.  If our goal is to get our mojo back, getting down on ourselves won’t get us there.

Motivational Monday: Why Consistency Pays Off

Why Consistency Pays Off

Motivational Monday: Why Consistency Pays Off

Do you feel like you’re often going ‘two steps forward, 1 step back?’

By not being consistent with our eating and exercise routines, we don’t make the gains we are really wanting.  Having one ‘one and done’ is nothing to feel bad about… but when that indulgence changes our lifestyle… that’s when we have a problem. Read more... 

Motivational Monday: Work Smarter Not Harfer

Work Smarter Not Harder

Motivational Monday: Work Smarter Not Harfer

Do you find yourself doing things the hard way?  Do you ever say to yourself ‘that’s too much work, forget it’ ?

There are things we can do that will make our lives SO much easier, and the bonus is… they will make it easy for us to make the right choices effortlessly!

We’re going to chat about this in more detail in Coffee with Leta (deets at the end), but here are a couple of examples of how we can work smarter and not harder. Read more...

Motivational Monday: Do it for YOU 💗

Motivational Monday: Do it for YOU 💗

Motivational Monday: Do it for YOU 💗

Making yourself a priority is what will carry you through to the finish line and beyond.  YOU are worth taking care of . Read more.. 

Motivational Monday: How’s your Hydration?

Motivational Monday: How’s your Hydration?

Motivational Monday: How’s your Hydration?

Hydration is key to keeping your metabolism running on high and helps your body operate as a fierce fat-burning machine! Read more...

Motivational Monday: Do you Savor Meal TIme?

Do you savor meal time?

Motivational Monday: Do you Savor Meal TIme?

Do you eat slowly and savor your meals?  If you usually eat on the go, distracted or in a hurry, it’s time to change that habit. Read more... 

Motivational Monday: You can’t please everyone (and why we shouldn’t even try)

You can’t please everyone (and why we shouldn’t even try)

Motivational Monday: You can’t please everyone (and why we shouldn’t even try)

You start keto and are so excited you tell everyone about it… you feel judged and hear “I’m just concerned for your health” comments.

Then you veer off your ideal keto plan and hear “told you you’d never stick to it.”

Or the worst one… the words we tell ourselves in our head. Read more...