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News and Articles

Sometimes we just need a fresh start

Sometimes we just need a fresh start

Sometimes we just need a fresh start

Monday is my ‘fresh start’ day. No matter what has happened over the past week or weekend, I always think of Monday as my ‘clean slate’ day.

Even if you’ve veered off… if Monday is always your start day (or whatever that day is for you), you can always start fresh with renewed vigor.

Reward Yourself... But not with food

Reward Yourself But Not With Food

Reward Yourself... But not with food

Ever since we were little we have been conditioned to make food our entertainment, our reward, and our treat. 
With a lot of inner work, I have changed my mindset on what a ‘reward’ is for me.

Training Performance on Keto

Training Performance on Keto

Training Performance on Keto

While it’s true that one of the side effects of the ketogenic diet is weight loss, anyone who is on keto with a weight loss goal has thought about adding a workout routine into the mix. However, there have been some complaints about the efficacy of keto when it comes to doing serious gym work. In short, will training performance be lacking while you’re on the ketogenic diet?