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News and Articles

Recommitting to Health [Part I]

Recommitting to Health [Part I]

Recommitting to Health [Part I]

You’re feeling amazing on keto/low carb… you’re prioritizing your health… you feel amazing, you’re losing weight, losing inches, and your health labs have never been better.  Then for one reason or another you’re NOT.  As in… not into it… AT ALL. Read more... 

Why Bone Broth is SO Amazing for Your Health!

Why Bone Broth is SO Amazing for Your Health!

Why Bone Broth is SO Amazing for Your Health!

With our bi-annual Bone Broth Cleanse coming up soon, I wanted to talk about why you should consider including bone broth (actual broth and/or my Intentionally Bare Bone Broth Protein) part of your daily routine.  Bone broth is a superfood! Read more... 

2 Easy Bone Broth Drink Recipes

2 Easy Bone Broth Drink Recipes

2 Easy Bone Broth Drink Recipes

As you know I LOVE me some bone broth!  Nothing makes my gut and body feel so good. Regular bone broth is very good of course, but you get a lot less protein and collagen in the traditional broth vs my Intentionally Bare Bone Broth Protein Powder. Read more...

Take Control during Challenging Times

Take Control during Challenging Times

Take Control during Challenging Times

We’ve all experienced negative or challenging times, that’s part of life.  Thinking back on something that was hard, difficult or negative... did you eat your way through it?  I have often eaten my way through challenging times in my life.  After it was over all I was left with was more fat on my body, low energy and feelings of disappointment in myself.  It’s a horrible cycle that sadly I have repeated many times in my life. I have been working on changing this pattern loop and trying to use these times to create self-care strategies that not only prevent me from binge eating or eating high carbs, but also support me in so many other areas of my life. 🔹 Instead of ‘going off’… go ‘on’ Going on or staying on your plan will actually help center you at a time when you really need it.  Going off or staying off your plan actually makes you feel like you have no control over your situation, you feel helpless.  Feel the strength in being intentional. 🔹 Create a daily healthy habit plan Purposely creating a daily healthy habit plan puts you in control.  Winging it does the opposite. 🔹 Don’t let the challenge control you So many times I used hard times as an excuse to go completely off the rails, when in fact, being in control of my life (including how I’m eating) tells my body that I am being taken care of.  I am in control, I call the shots, things are not happening ‘to me’ but ‘for’ me.  This is way better than feeling helpless, which is basically what binge eating and pigging out on carbs is. ❓  Do you go off the rails during challenging times?  Do you take control or do you let it control you? 👇

Keto will Travel – Part 1

Keto will Travel – Part 1 [Tips]

Keto will Travel – Part 1

I’m heading to Mexico soon and then after that, California for a good part of the winter. As a seasoned traveller I admit it can be a challenge at times to do keto/low carb/fasting... a challenge, but not impossible! Read more...

Making Consistency ‘Consistent’

Making Consistency ‘Consistent’

Making Consistency ‘Consistent’

Do you feel like you’re often going ‘two steps forward, 1 step back?’

By not being consistent with our eating and exercise routines, we don’t make the gains we’re really wanting.  Having one ‘one and done’ is nothing to feel bad about… but when that indulgence changes our lifestyle… that’s when we have a problem. Read more...

The Compound Effect

The Compound Effect

The Compound Effect

Using weight loss as an analogy, I have gained and lost 40# at least 4 times in my life.  While I’m ‘in it’ I hit it hard and it works... until I either get bored with the routine, I have a life event, or I get to maintenance... then somehow it just starts creeping back.  This is not because my eating plan was flawed, it was because I did not have a consistent healthy lifestyle that would allow me to maintain what I lost.

Routine doesn’t have to be Boring

Routine doesn’t have to be Boring

Routine doesn’t have to be Boring

Sometimes just thinking about doing the same things every day can feel a little monotonous.  But what we do daily matters, whether it’s pushing us towards our goals to pulling us away from them.

Another benefit of having a routine is that we don’t need to ‘think’ of what to do so much!  READ MORE... 

Consistent vs Restrictive

Consistent vs Restrictive

Consistent vs Restrictive

I think everyone can relate to going ‘all in’ on something that was so restrictive/strict that you couldn’t do it for very long.  Or you hung in there, but when it was over you celebrated face first in a bag of Doritos (#truestory).... Read more. 

Creating the ‘You’ Plan

Creating the ‘You’ Plan

Creating the ‘You’ Plan

Do you ever hear about an eating/health plan and think ‘oh, if I just did that EXACTLY I would lose so much weight/get healthy’?  But then you do the plan and part way into the plan you’re like ABORT, ABORT!?! Read more...