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News and Articles

Recommitting to Health [Part I]

Recommitting to Health [Part I]

Recommitting to Health [Part I]

You’re feeling amazing on keto/low carb… you’re prioritizing your health… you feel amazing, you’re losing weight, losing inches, and your health labs have never been better.  Then for one reason or another you’re NOT.  As in… not into it… AT ALL. Read more... 

Ways to do OMAD (one meal a day)

Ways to do OMAD (one meal a day)

Ways to do OMAD (one meal a day)

One very popular type of fasting is OMAD (one meal a day), so I thought I would go over some info on the ways you can do this type of fasting if you are interested in trying it out, or wondered if there is flexibility to eating one meal a day. Read more... 

Create a Fasting Lifestyle that Works for YOU!

Create a Fasting Lifestyle that Works for YOU!

Create a Fasting Lifestyle that Works for YOU!

I absolutely LOVE fasting... nothing takes down my inflammation, blood sugar and the number on the scale faster and more effortlessly than fasting!  Not to mention the health benefits like autophagy!


❗️ DISCLAIMER:  Health information given here is based on public research and is not meant to take the place of your doctor's advice. Always do your own research and discuss it with your health practitioner before trying a new diet, supplement or exercise plan.

Keto & Intermittent Fasting for Maximum Weight Loss

Keto & Intermittent Fasting for Maximum Weight Loss

Keto & Intermittent Fasting for Maximum Weight Loss

Keto and intermittent fasting are both very effective weight loss strategies on their own, but combining them can SUPER CHARGE weight loss and might help improve health conditions. Read more... 

How to Create a Fasting Lifestyle you LOVE!

How to Create a Fasting Lifestyle you LOVE!

How to Create a Fasting Lifestyle you LOVE!

Our 7 Day Intermittent Fasting Challenge is March 27 – April 1, so what better time to talk about the different ways we can use this tool to improve our health and waistlines!

Let’s talk about the ways we can incorporate some of the popular fasting methods into our keto/low carb lifestyle, but also get the ‘happiness factor’ we all love and deserve! Read more... 

Motivational Monday: Progress is a Journey that has no end

Motivational Monday: Progress is a Journey that has no end

Motivational Monday: Progress is a Journey that has no end

I like to think of myself as a ‘work in progress’ vs ‘destination to get to’, but this has not always been the case.  For most of my life I was a type A personality and I only had 2 options – win or lose.  Either I was winning or I was losing.  I was losing weight or I was gaining weight.  I was all in or I was all out.  That’s because my journey was ‘destination’ driven vs ‘journey’ driven. Read more...

Should I be doing Keto and Intermittent Fasting?

Should I be doing Keto and Intermittent Fasting?

Should I be doing Keto and Intermittent Fasting?

The benefits of combining Keto and Intermittent Fasting are astonishing! There are so many health benefits for your body AND for your brain.

You may choose to do OMAD or maybe you can go with 16:8 Intermittent Fasting. You may be asking what OMAD or 16:8 even means?  I’ve got you! Read more... 

Why Potassium is an Important Part of the Keto Diet

Why Potassium is an Important Part of the Keto Diet

Why Potassium is an Important Part of the Keto Diet

Potassium is a vital nutrient!


Interview with Dr. David Harper, Author of BioDiet

Interview with Dr. David Harper, Author of BioDiet

Interview with Dr. David Harper, Author of BioDiet

Watch my eye-opening and so interesting interview with Dr. Harper, author of the book BioDiet, about the keto lifestyle. Dr. Harper is more focused on the benefits of keto for health and emphasizes the importance of working with your physician to adapt to the keto diet, especially if you’re on medications. Click to watch the full video here...  

Bone Broth Protein Drink

Bone Broth Protein Drink

Bone Broth Protein Drink

About 4 times a year in my Intentionally Bare Keto Facebook Support Group, we have a reboot. We all try so hard to stay on our keto plan, but occasionally, we allow ourselves to veer off our ideal plan … summer, vacations, holidays, etc…  A treat once in a while won’t hurt you. However, for some people, one treat leads to another, and before they know it, they’re not following keto anymore. Using my bone broth protein drink (along with OMAD) is a great way to help jumpstart your reboot!