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News and Articles

The ‘ME’ Project

The Me Project

The ‘ME’ Project

I don’t know about you, but I get really jazzed up when I have a project I’m passionate about.  Whether it’s redecorating a room in my house, gutting out my garage, planning out my veggie garden for the season or planning a fun challenge for our community… when I have a project idea I’m excited about, I go in with a ton of enthusiasm, ideas and motivation! Read more...

🥳 HAPPY NEW YEAR! Welcome 2023

Happy New 2023

🥳 HAPPY NEW YEAR! Welcome 2023

I love doing this every year because it’s just for me… I don’t judge myself and I am not hard on myself.  It’s just spending time trying to understand myself and think about how the year went so I can decide what I want to do for the new year in order to be happy and make the gains I truly want. Read more...

Motivational Monday: Keto isn’t Just for Weight Loss

Keto Isn't Just For Weight Loss

Motivational Monday: Keto isn’t Just for Weight Loss

More than any other way of eating, experts say Keto is THE healing diet.  Search Dr. Eric Westman or Amy Berger and you’ll learn a lot about the healing powers of keto... Read More...

How to incorporate healthy fats into your Keto lifestyle

healthy fats

How to incorporate healthy fats into your Keto lifestyle

Should you focus on being healthy? Or should you focus on weight loss? Or should you focus on anti-aging? OR, should you focus on yummy, tasty foods?


Do Calories Really Matter?

Do Calories Really Matter?

Do Calories Really Matter?

Have you heard of Calorie Cycling? I first heard of it when I was researching body building.  From there, I went down the Calorie Cycling rabbit hole.  I discovered that Calorie Cycling helps with weight loss, hormone balancing and it really helps promote our ‘happiness factor’. Read more...

Why did I start this?

Why did I start this?

Why did I start this?

Have you run across the Intentionally Bare Products and wondered WHY I started this company? There are other Keto supplement companies out there. Why didn’t I just use what was available and not take up my time starting a business? Read more...

Keto Done YOUR Way

Keto Done YOUR Way

Keto Done YOUR Way

You made the decision that Keto is the lifestyle you want to try… you probably scoured the internet for information on the rules, looked for information on the how-to’s, searched Pinterest for keto recipes, and read all the books you could find.  AND NOW…. You are overwhelmed!

How to Read Labels When You’re Doing the Keto Diet

How to Read Labels When You’re Doing the Keto Diet

How to Read Labels When You’re Doing the Keto Diet

As you adopt more of the keto lifestyle, you become more aware of what you're eating. This means that you spend more time reading labels. And let me tell you, labels can be very confusing. Many products that are labeled "keto-friendly" because they are lower in carbs aren't really keto-friendly. They may be lower in carbs than their fully carbed shelf-mates, but that doesn’t make them truly keto. We’re going to take a look at some of the ways that labels can be misleading.


Coffee with Leta: Did You Go Off Keto During Thanksgiving?

Coffee with Leta: Did You Go Off Keto During Thanksgiving?

Coffee with Leta: Did You Go Off Keto During Thanksgiving?

American Thanksgiving is coming up, and I’m reminded of this Coffee with Leta that we did last year right after Thanksgiving.

I thought it might be a good idea for you to see this video before Thanksgiving this year, so you can get some ideas for planning before the holiday (and those negative thoughts) happen!

Watch Video...

Changing Your Mindset: Food as Fuel

Changing Your Mindset: Food as Fuel

Changing Your Mindset: Food as Fuel

The secret to building a healthy body is reaping the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. We may pig out on special occasions or when we finally get to eat that super unhealthy but oh-so-delicious birthday cake, but that all results from a mentality that has been normalized and can be detrimental to our health. We live in a society that sees food as something to build a celebration or holiday around, or a method of giving comfort, or a way of showing love. While there's nothing wrong with enjoying how your food tastes, we have moved away from the mindset that food is fuel. Read more about the essential change of mindset that food IS fuel.