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News and Articles

Creating the ‘You’ Plan

Creating the ‘You’ Plan

Creating the ‘You’ Plan

Do you ever hear about an eating/health plan and think ‘oh, if I just did that EXACTLY I would lose so much weight/get healthy’?  But then you do the plan and part way into the plan you’re like ABORT, ABORT!?! Read more...

3 Ways to easily get Back on Track

3 Ways to easily get Back on Track

3 Ways to easily get Back on Track

It happens for one reason or another... a stressful time, a vacation that never ended, or maybe you’re still ‘off’ from when Covid started.  I can tell you from personal experience, it’s not easy to get back into the groove. Here's my list of 3 things I did to change my mindset and get back on track. Read more...

Breaking Down a Big Goal into Bite Sized Pieces

Breaking Down a Big Goal into Bite Sized Pieces

Breaking Down a Big Goal into Bite Sized Pieces

When we have a big goal that we want to achieve, it can seem overwhelming.  For me it’s like thinking of cleaning my entire house from top to bottom… um, I think I’ll just do nothing!  That’s what it can be like when we try to achieve that one big goal all at once.  It becomes too overwhelming (or we stumble) and we just say ‘forget it’.  Big picture thinking is great to visualize the outcome, but how do we actually get there? Read more...

How You Talk To Yourself Matters!

how you talk to yourself matters

How You Talk To Yourself Matters!

Have you ever noticed how you talk to yourself? What is your inner dialogue?  Most people do not realize they even do it.  However, for the most part, we are constantly talking to ourselves.  How you talk to yourself matters!  Read more...

Things not Changing? OWN it!

Things not Changing?  OWN it!

Things not Changing? OWN it!

Blaming the diet, blaming circumstances, blaming other people or not trying new things to move the needle... that’s being passive.  I’m not saying we have to be perfect… far from it… I’m saying good or bad, ‘own it.’ 


Coffee with Leta: Did You Go Off Keto During Thanksgiving?

Coffee with Leta: Did You Go Off Keto During Thanksgiving?

Coffee with Leta: Did You Go Off Keto During Thanksgiving?

American Thanksgiving is coming up, and I’m reminded of this Coffee with Leta that we did last year right after Thanksgiving.

I thought it might be a good idea for you to see this video before Thanksgiving this year, so you can get some ideas for planning before the holiday (and those negative thoughts) happen!

Watch Video...

The Value Of Support

the value of support

The Value Of Support

Did you ever have one of those days where you just wanted to throw in the towel when it came to, well, anything? I think we all have. And that's especially true when you're trying to get healthy, whether that's in regards to dieting or recovery from a significant health crisis or just improving your general health. One of the keys to success in any kind of major endeavor like that is support. Read more... 

The scale hasn’t changed but I have

The scale hasn’t changed… but I have

The scale hasn’t changed but I have

Something happened to me this past summer that really solidified the fact that ‘the scale is not the true measure of how our bodies are changing with keto.

One late afternoon we had a happy hour with our neighbors – there was a nice group of people there that I haven’t seen since the summer before.