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News and Articles

Do You Savor Meal Time?

Do You Savor Meal Time?

Do You Savor Meal Time?

Do you eat slowly and savor your meals?  If you usually eat on the go, are distracted or in a hurry, it’s time to change that habit! Read more...

3 Ways to Make You Feel Special (that doesn’t include food)

3 Ways to Make You Feel Special (that doesn’t include food)

3 Ways to Make You Feel Special (that doesn’t include food)

Valentine’s Day is tomorrow and what better time to talk about treating ourselves right!  I don’t think we should leave this up to someone else to do for us.  Some people are on their own, and even if you aren’t… it’s always important that we do things for ourselves that make us feel special!  Let’s try this in a way that doesn’t involve food… which can be hard, especially at this time of year! Read more...

Keto Emotions

Keto Emotions

Keto Emotions

Losing weight with the ketogenic diet, or “keto” for short, can be a highly effective way to shed unwanted pounds. The keto diet involves drastically reducing your carbohydrate intake and increasing your intake of healthy fats, which can help your body enter a state of ketosis, where it begins to burn fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates. Read more...

Breaking Down a Big Goal into Bite Sized Pieces

Breaking Down a Big Goal into Bite Sized Pieces

Breaking Down a Big Goal into Bite Sized Pieces

When we have a big goal that we want to achieve, it can seem overwhelming.  For me it’s like thinking of cleaning my entire house from top to bottom… um, I think I’ll just do nothing!  That’s what it can be like when we try to achieve that one big goal all at once.  It becomes too overwhelming (or we stumble) and we just say ‘forget it’.  Big picture thinking is great to visualize the outcome, but how do we actually get there? Read more...

Don’t Blame Keto

Don’t Blame Keto

Don’t Blame Keto

I’ve seen this problem so many times.  A person goes on Keto, loses weight for a bit.  Then they stall.  Almost automatically they’ll start saying that the Keto Lifestyle is no longer working for themץ
Don’t blame Keto!  Read more... 

Why did I start this?

Why did I start this?

Why did I start this?

Have you run across the Intentionally Bare Products and wondered WHY I started this company? There are other Keto supplement companies out there. Why didn’t I just use what was available and not take up my time starting a business? Read more...

In need of a Keto Summer Treat?

keto summer treat

In need of a Keto Summer Treat?

Summertime is upon us.  That means the heat is about to turn up and with the higher temperatures comes more cravings for sweet, cooling summer treats. But you are following a Keto lifestyle, so what are your options? Read more... 

My Medium Interview: How We Can Optimize Our Mental, Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Wellbeing

How We Can Optimize Our Mental, Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Wellbeing

My Medium Interview: How We Can Optimize Our Mental, Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Wellbeing

So I did a thing.

Something that I talk about a lot in my Intentionally Bare Keto Support Group on Facebook is stepping out of your comfort zone. It’s something that we all need to do once in a while. So I followed my own advice, and was interviewed by Sonia Molodecky for Medium. Read more...

Can Keto Help Slow Aging?

Can Keto Help Slow Aging?

Can Keto Help Slow Aging?

If you’ve read my blog for any length of time, you know that keto is a lifestyle choice for me. It’s not just about losing weight, although keto is amazing for that. For me, keto is about becoming healthier. It’s about being the best version of yourself. Part of that journey includes slowing down the aging process. Does keto help slow aging?

Two of Hearts: Getting Support from Your Significant Other

Two of Hearts: Getting Support from Your Significant Other

Two of Hearts: Getting Support from Your Significant Other

A couple of years ago I wrote a blog post about how I made my husband gain weight. My husband has always been super-supportive of my keto lifestyle, and eats whatever I cook for dinner. But pre-pandemic, he would have normal carby meals when he was out at work, because he didn’t really have to worry about his weight. So when I would load up our dinners with extra butter or coconut milk or whatever fat delivery method I chose for that particular meal, it was having a negative effect on him. You can’t do carbs and high fat without gaining weight!