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News and Articles

Create a Fasting Lifestyle that Works for YOU!

Create a Fasting Lifestyle that Works for YOU!

Create a Fasting Lifestyle that Works for YOU!

I absolutely LOVE fasting... nothing takes down my inflammation, blood sugar and the number on the scale faster and more effortlessly than fasting!  Not to mention the health benefits like autophagy!


❗️ DISCLAIMER:  Health information given here is based on public research and is not meant to take the place of your doctor's advice. Always do your own research and discuss it with your health practitioner before trying a new diet, supplement or exercise plan.

Create Big Changes by Starting Small

Create big changes by starting small

Create Big Changes by Starting Small

Are you an ‘all or nothing’ kind of person?  Or do you start off SO gunho out of the gate but then peeter off?  Most of us try to make huge changes in our habits and usually those changes are not easy ones.  Read more...

Do You Savor Meal Time?

Do You Savor Meal Time?

Do You Savor Meal Time?

Do you eat slowly and savor your meals?  If you usually eat on the go, are distracted or in a hurry, it’s time to change that habit! Here are three reasons why you should savor your meal time. Read more... 

Do You Drink Enough Water?

Do you drink enough water?

Do You Drink Enough Water?

Did you know that most people are chronically dehydrated?  There are so many reasons to stay hydrated, here are just some of them: Read more... 

Do You Savor Meal Time?

Do You Savor Meal Time?

Do You Savor Meal Time?

Do you eat slowly and savor your meals?  If you usually eat on the go, are distracted or in a hurry, it’s time to change that habit! Read more...

3 Ways to Make You Feel Special (that doesn’t include food)

3 Ways to Make You Feel Special (that doesn’t include food)

3 Ways to Make You Feel Special (that doesn’t include food)

Valentine’s Day is tomorrow and what better time to talk about treating ourselves right!  I don’t think we should leave this up to someone else to do for us.  Some people are on their own, and even if you aren’t… it’s always important that we do things for ourselves that make us feel special!  Let’s try this in a way that doesn’t involve food… which can be hard, especially at this time of year! Read more...

The ‘ME’ Project

The Me Project

The ‘ME’ Project

I don’t know about you, but I get really jazzed up when I have a project I’m passionate about.  Whether it’s redecorating a room in my house, gutting out my garage, planning out my veggie garden for the season or planning a fun challenge for our community… when I have a project idea I’m excited about, I go in with a ton of enthusiasm, ideas and motivation! Read more...

Keto Emotions

Keto Emotions

Keto Emotions

Losing weight with the ketogenic diet, or “keto” for short, can be a highly effective way to shed unwanted pounds. The keto diet involves drastically reducing your carbohydrate intake and increasing your intake of healthy fats, which can help your body enter a state of ketosis, where it begins to burn fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates. Read more...

Breaking Down a Big Goal into Bite Sized Pieces

Breaking Down a Big Goal into Bite Sized Pieces

Breaking Down a Big Goal into Bite Sized Pieces

When we have a big goal that we want to achieve, it can seem overwhelming.  For me it’s like thinking of cleaning my entire house from top to bottom… um, I think I’ll just do nothing!  That’s what it can be like when we try to achieve that one big goal all at once.  It becomes too overwhelming (or we stumble) and we just say ‘forget it’.  Big picture thinking is great to visualize the outcome, but how do we actually get there? Read more...

Motivational Monday: Progress is a Journey that has no end

Motivational Monday: Progress is a Journey that has no end

Motivational Monday: Progress is a Journey that has no end

I like to think of myself as a ‘work in progress’ vs ‘destination to get to’, but this has not always been the case.  For most of my life I was a type A personality and I only had 2 options – win or lose.  Either I was winning or I was losing.  I was losing weight or I was gaining weight.  I was all in or I was all out.  That’s because my journey was ‘destination’ driven vs ‘journey’ driven. Read more...