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Intentionally Bare Blog

The ‘ME’ Project

I don’t know about you, but I get really jazzed up when I have a project I’m passionate about.  Whether it’s redecorating a room in my house, gutting out my garage, planning out my veggie garden for the season or planning a fun challenge for our community… when I have a project idea I’m excited about, I go in with a ton of enthusiasm, ideas and motivation!

Do you notice when you have those types of projects, you can be SO gunho… but when it’s about you, your weight loss, your health etc… it’s not met with the same enthusiasm that you have for other things? 

What if we made ourselves a ‘project’?  Let’s call it the ‘ME’ Project!

🔹  What’s your ‘why’?

Remember back when you first started keto/low carb?  Or when you made the decision to change something in your life that wasn’t working anymore?  You were probably very excited!  You had a plan, you mapped it out and you did it pretty much 100% because you were so keen to do it/try it/change.  What was your ‘why’ then?  Think about the reasons that pushed you out of your comfort zone and into unfamiliar territory. These reasons probably still apply today.  Get clear on what they are… these are the real reasons you want change.

🔹 What got you excited before?

In the beginning of trying anything new, things are very exciting!  Oh ya, I got this!!! Going to do this 100% until I get to my goal, woo hoo!  Ok, then reality sets in.  It’s at this pivotal point in the process that we begin to question everything.  ‘Can I do this forever?’, ‘What about this? That? The other?’ , ‘Life is to short!’  What jazzed  you up and got you up in the morning and made you feel SO excited has not changed… WE CHANGED how we think of things.  If we can go back to feeling that excitement, while at the same time giving ourselves grace for NOT being perfect (in fact, purposely allow for times to NOT be on program/be perfect) may just be the key to feeling excited vs restricted.

🔹 What happens when you’ve lost that loving feeling?

Find ways to reconnect to the excited inner you… look up new recipes, go on Tik Tok, Pinterest and YouTube for great, free ideas.  Just trying new recipes changes boring into soaring!  Connect more with our group.  The more you give, the more you get.  Helping others helps ourselves too  💗  Don’t allow your spoiled inner child to dictate your eating choices.  Add in a daily walk out in the fresh air, it does wonders for the psyche.  Don’t give me any push back about the weather… I live in Canada, lol.  Make a plan to put the ‘ME’ Project at top of your to-do list.  You are worth it!


Do you find you have more enthusiasm for pretty much ‘anything’ other than what is best for you?  Even when it’s something you tell yourself you really want?