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News and Articles

Can Keto Help Slow Aging?

Can Keto Help Slow Aging?

Can Keto Help Slow Aging?

If you’ve read my blog for any length of time, you know that keto is a lifestyle choice for me. It’s not just about losing weight, although keto is amazing for that. For me, keto is about becoming healthier. It’s about being the best version of yourself. Part of that journey includes slowing down the aging process. Does keto help slow aging?

Electrolytes for Health

electrolytes for health

Electrolytes for Health

Electrolytes are an important part of the ketogenic diet. But, chances are, you didn’t really give them much thought before you began the keto diet. Electrolytes play a big part in keeping our body healthy and our processes regulated. Read on to see how electrolytes impact our health. Read more... 

Can the Ketogenic Diet Benefit Brain Health?

Can the Ketogenic Diet Benefit Brain Health?

Can the Ketogenic Diet Benefit Brain Health?

Did you know that the brain is nearly 60% fat? When you look at it from that perspective, it’s not surprising that the ketogenic diet helps alleviate seizures for some people. Knowing that, I got to wondering how useful the ketogenic diet would be for brain health. Read more... 

Keto and Auto-Immune Disorders

Keto and Auto-Immune Disorders

Keto and Auto-Immune Disorders

If you’ve done any kind of reading either on my blog or in my Facebook group, you know that I believe that keto is one of the keys to overall health. While keto is an incredible way to help your body lose weight, the benefits go far beyond weight loss. I want to take a look at using keto for auto-immune disorders.
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Do You Need Extra Electrolytes While Doing Keto

Do You Need Extra Electrolytes While Doing Keto?

Do You Need Extra Electrolytes While Doing Keto

Electrolytes are crucial for your health, and they keep you going throughout the day. However, it may be challenging to get in all of your electrolytes while you're doing keto. Do you need extra electrolytes while doing keto?

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Motivational Monday: Keto is not a ‘one size fits all’

Motivational Monday: Keto is not a ‘one size fits all’

Motivational Monday: Keto is not a ‘one size fits all’

Do you ever say to yourself “others are losing so much weight and keto seems to work so well for them, but it’s not going the same for me... what am I doing wrong?” Every person’s health is in different levels of healing… some may be on medication. Some have allergies or food sensitivities. Some people have hormone imbalances or are in menopause… how can you possibly compare yourself to another person? I think it’s really important that you find out some things about your body if you do not already know. Food sensitivities are a huge one. Left unchecked, you will have inflammation and you will have a hard time reaping the benefits from any healthy eating plan you embark on. How is your gut health? Grains in particular are very hard on the gut and destroy the good bacteria you have in your gut. When this happens your body is not able to absorb the vitamins and nutrients you are trying to feed it. When we eat grains it causes our stomach to have little tiny openings, which causes large molecules to escape, which leads to allergies and food sensitivities. It’s a vicious cycle. I started using bone broth years ago to heal my gut from all of the years of eating gluten, sugar, and the other foods that did not work for my body. Bone broth is one of the most gut healing foods on the planet. I make my own bone broth regularly and I also use our Intentionally Bare Bone Broth Powder, made from grass-fed and pasture raised cows. All health stems from the gut. This is why I run a Bone Both Cleanse once a month in my Intentionally Bare Keto Support Group on Facebook. Two books on this subject of grains and food sensitivities that I really like are Grain Brain and Wheat Belly. I think the best way to eat keto is to do it your way... the way that works best for your body. I had a food sensitivity test done (to confirm what I already knew to be true) and grains are a HELL NO. I did not realize how great I could feel until I cut them all out of my diet. I have them on occasion but if it's more than a 'one and done' I feel SO horrible. I used to have a lot of allergy and inflammation problems and now they are gone. I eat keto honoring what my body is telling me.  If I eat grains then I feel bad; it’s that simple. I think it’s really important that you do keto your way so you get the maximum health benefits from this amazing lifestyle. Our bodies are screaming for us to listen. Pay attention to what your body is telling you. Keto is a win-win as far as weight loss and amazing health. Do it in the way that works for you and your body and you can’t lose. You got this! Leta ~ Intentionally Bare  

Apple Cider Vinegar for Health

Apple Cider Vinegar for Health

Apple Cider Vinegar for Health

Apple cider vinegar is an effective supplement that can pose numerous health benefits. You may have heard of apple cider vinegar’s uses for detox. However, detox or not, having a little apple cider vinegar a day may contribute to better overall health. Read more about the health benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar.

Coffee with Leta: Alleviating Symptoms of P.O.T.S | Diet And Nutrition | Lowry Petty-Hughes

Coffee with Leta: Alleviating Symptoms of P.O.T.S | Diet And Nutrition | Lowry Petty-Hughes

Coffee with Leta: Alleviating Symptoms of P.O.T.S | Diet And Nutrition | Lowry Petty-Hughes

Recently I did a Coffee with Leta with Lowry Petty-Hughes from The Pretty POTSie. Lowry uses the keto diet to help her manage a condition called P.O.T.S., or postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. Watch now... 

Changing Your Mindset: Food as Fuel

Changing Your Mindset: Food as Fuel

Changing Your Mindset: Food as Fuel

The secret to building a healthy body is reaping the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. We may pig out on special occasions or when we finally get to eat that super unhealthy but oh-so-delicious birthday cake, but that all results from a mentality that has been normalized and can be detrimental to our health. We live in a society that sees food as something to build a celebration or holiday around, or a method of giving comfort, or a way of showing love. While there's nothing wrong with enjoying how your food tastes, we have moved away from the mindset that food is fuel. Read more about the essential change of mindset that food IS fuel.

What Can Collagen Peptides Do for Your Health?

what  can collagen peptides do for your health?

What Can Collagen Peptides Do for Your Health?

Collagen is one of the proteins in your body. WebMD calls collagen ‘the body’s scafolding.’ It’s one of the most important building blocks of the giant list of ingredients that makes up you.

Protein is an essential part of your fuel intake when you’re following the ketogenic diet. Paired with fat, protein makes us feel satisfied after a meal. As you’re losing weight, it’s especially important that you grow muscle and take care of your skin; protein is essential to this process. Read here more about some of the ways that collagen peptides in particular can support you in your keto journey.