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Intentionally Bare Blog

Can the Ketogenic Diet Benefit Brain Health?

Did you know that the brain is nearly 60% fat? When you look at it from that perspective, it’s not surprising that the ketogenic diet helps alleviate seizures for some people. Knowing that, I got to wondering how useful the ketogenic diet would be for brain health.

Brain Health and Aging

As we get older, our cognitive function naturally declines. Science really doesn’t know why, but there are probably a lot of common-sense reasons. We know that there are grey and white matter changes in our brain as we age; we can see them in MRI imagery. We also know that as we begin to slow our activities, such as we do when we retire, our brains get less of a workout, so they tend to get stuck in that cycle of resting, much like our bodies do if we skip too many workouts.

Of course, keeping our brain active can help slow that process. Doing puzzles, reading, and playing games are ways we can keep our brains active. Physical exercise is also important in keeping our brains healthy, as is avoiding things like smoking and drinking too much alcohol.

Brain Health and Neurological Conditions

Aging isn’t the only thing that impacts brain health. Neurological conditions can have an impact, too. Neurological disorders can include conditions such as Alzheimer’s Disease, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Stroke, and Migraine. These conditions and more can have long term impacts on brain health.

Ketogenic Diet for Brain Health

There are a number of ways to use the ketogenic diet for brain health.

First, a fit body helps your mind to be fit. We know that physical exercise helps keep our brain healthy because it increases oxygen to the brain. Keto also helps you to be fit.

Next, Dr. Eric Berg talks about the benefits of keto relating to short term memory loss. Because ketones are the “preferred fuel” of the brain, being in a state of ketosis is like feeding the brain a constant supply its’ favorite food. Intentionally Bare’s MCT Oil is a great way to increase your ketones, too!

According to Psychology Today, insulin resistance is a driving factor in Alzheimer’s Disease. Insulin is a hormone that regulates our blood glucose levels. I did a Coffee with Leta about how the ketogenic diet can benefit dysregulated hormones, including insulin.

Medium Chain Triglyceride (MCT) oils may help autism. While one can ingest MCT oils without being keto, it can lead to unwanted weight gain if it’s not part of a ketogenic diet.

 As you can see from the links I’ve included, we’ve had a number of discussions about keto and health over in my Intentionally Bare Keto Support Group. We have discussed the ketogenic diet for brain health, as well as its’ benefits for other conditions. I would love to have you join in the discussion there!

You got this!


~ Intentionally Bare


❗️ DISCLAIMER:  Health information given here is based on public research and is not meant to take the place of your doctor's advice. Always do your own research and discuss it with your health practitioner before trying a new diet, supplement or exercise plan.

❗️ DISCLOSURE:  I manufacture a line of 100% natural keto products under the brand name, Intentionally Bare. These products will be mentioned from time to time because they are amazingly healthy and fantastic for those on a ketogenic diet or anyone looking to improve their health. I am also a participant in the Amazon services LLC Associates Program, designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to** I ONLY ever post a link to products I personally USE and LOVE!