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Intentionally Bare Blog

How to Create a Fasting Lifestyle you LOVE!

Our 7 Day Intermittent Fasting Challenge is March 27 – April 1, so what better time to talk about the different ways we can use this tool to improve our health and waistlines!

Let’s talk about the ways we can incorporate some of the popular fasting methods into our keto/low carb lifestyle, but also get the ‘happiness factor’ we all love and deserve!

[I have a lot of info on the benefits of fasting and the different styles of fasting in Guide #6 in our group]

🔷 Fast a little everyday

16:8, 20:4, OMAD or whatever works for you! A little daily fasting ads up to big rewards! This may not get the deep autophagy like an extended fast would, but it’s very powerful none-the-less. It’s especially useful if you have a hard time eating within your macros, as it’s hard to over eat when your eating window is smaller. Also helpful if you have a busy schedule or get tired of planning out meals.

🔷 Do one extended fast per week

If deep autophagy and a jump in fat loss is what you’re after, a 36-48 hour fast is the ticket!  I find when hubby is out of town that’s a great time for me to add in an extended fast... ‘cause that means I don’t have to cook! lol

🔷 Fast Monday - Friday

A lot of people like doing more fasting Monday to Friday, and then not so much on the weekends. It could afford you to do ‘lazy keto’ weekends if that makes your heart happy and you’re still seeing results. This also makes life a little easier during the week when we are typically busy with work, but then gives us more time to cook some yummy meals on the weekends when we have more time.

🔷 Plan a fasting week cyclically

In our Intentionally Bare Keto Support Group I run a challenge once per month, and every 2nd or 3rd month is an intermittent fasting challenge. If you only fasted during these intermittent fasting challenges, you are still doing your body good!  Think of it like a ‘spring cleaning’ that really helps your body rid itself of toxins and cellular garbage (psst... bonus, it really helps with plateau’s and faster fat loss too) 😉

Bottom line:  We want fat loss results and we want to improve our health... but we also want to be happy 😊 The ‘happiness factor’ is not over rated and we need to keep this in mind, or we’ll never be able to maintain our weight loss and health improvements. Experiment and see what feels right for you 💗

How do you incorporate fasting into your keto/low carb lifestyle? 👇

💗 Leta
~ Intentionally Bare