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Intentionally Bare Blog

Motivational Monday: What Keeps You Going?

Starting off any new year most people have the motivation of holiday bloat, a hangover or higher blood glucose to motivate them into declaring their New Year’s resolutions.

Or maybe there is an upcoming trip that dangles that ‘gotta lose 10 lbs’ carrot.

… but after the headache goes away, the bloat goes down and your blood sugar stabilizes… do you feel the same way? What if there is no trip planned (thanks a lot Covid!)?

What keeps you going?

I love keto for the health benefits and just to feel good (besides wanting to lose some more fat), but admit that when I either feel like crap or I have an upcoming trip or event planned, my motivation is very high.  When I don’t have those things, I have to really think about my ‘why.’

Before keto: inflammation, achy joints, psoriasis, allergies, 55 extra pounds, hypothyroidism.  After keto:  all of that gone, feeling energetic and empowered… feeling optimistic and happy 😊

What keeps you going when you don’t have the ‘carrot’ to entice you? I’d love to hear your answers in the comments, or you can join the conversation in my Intentionally Bare Keto Support Group!

You got this!


~ Intentionally Bare


❗️ DISCLAIMER:  Health information given here is based on public research and is not meant to take the place of your doctor's advice. Always do your own research and discuss it with your health practitioner before trying a new diet, supplement or exercise plan.


❗️ DISCLOSURE:  I manufacture a line of 100% natural keto products under the brand name, Intentionally Bare. These products will be mentioned from time to time because they are amazingly healthy and fantastic for those on a ketogenic diet or anyone looking to improve their health. I am also a participant in the Amazon services LLC Associates Program, designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to** I ONLY ever post a link to products I personally USE and LOVE!