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Intentionally Bare Blog

Keto Conferences and Socials

You know how when you talk about keto to non-keto people and their eyes glaze over, or they are like "Um……" and you know you’ve lost your audience, so you change the subject (I won’t be recruiting you today, don’t worry, sheesh)?

When you start getting together with like-minded people, it’s not like that at all! It’s like you speak this other language that "regular" people don’t understand at all. You can pretty much talk about anything keto-related and you’ll get the "Mm hmm…oh yeah, gotcha" nod and then they are jumping right into the convo.

  • "What are your macros?"
  • "Do you do intermittent fasting?"
  • "Do you do prolonged fasts?"
  • "What are your favorite fats?"
  • "How do you make your fatty coffee?"
  • "What was your last ketone blood meter reading?"

These are not odd topics of conversation to keto peeps…oh far from it.

I went to my first ever keto conference (in case you live around the Okanagan, British Columbia, Canada area, it’s called the Okanagan Keto Conference). Well let me tell you, if you thought I was a freak about keto before…after going to this conference, I am a SUPER KETO FREAK!

The speakers were very knowledgeable and high caliber—university professors, researchers, authors and scientists—all speaking on the health benefits of keto. The funny thing was that weight loss was not the biggest part of the talks, because as most people who live this lifestyle know, keto improves health so much, and weight loss is actually the bonus.

I also noticed something else interesting. This event was advertised to the public as a place to come and find out about keto; you did not have to be doing keto to attend. We were all in one big room and listening to the speakers for the first half of the day. In this room, I noticed there were a lot of healthy people looking to learn more about keto. I was so happy they were there to learn about how keto could change their lives!

In the afternoon, we broke out into sessions. There were sessions for people who had never done keto as well as sessions for experienced keto-ers. I was in the advanced sessions, and I noticed there was not one overweight person in any of those sessions. The proof was in the health and vitality in every keto person. Everyone looked so healthy, energetic, and the convo was great! I could have stayed in those sessions for days just taking in all the excellent info coming my way.

If you hear of a keto conference in your area, or even keto get togethers, I encourage you to put yourself out there and attend. Sharing the same interest and gaining knowledge from like- minded people is beneficial and SO enjoyable! Who knows what kind of friendships may come of it? I made some great friends from going to the Okanagan Keto Conference and the convos are still continuing online!

If you want to start a little slower, you can jump into the discussions happening daily in my Intentionally Bare Keto Facebook group! You can join the discussions at a level you're comfortable with!

You got this!
Leta ~ Intentionally Bare

DISCLAIMER: The information in this blog is for educational and informational purposes only. The content in here is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or heard here.