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Intentionally Bare Blog

Motivational Monday: Fill Your World with Color and Beauty

Surrounding yourself with the colors, scents, textures, images and objects that make you happy and are beautiful to you will give you energy and will help lift your mood.  This in turn lowers your cortisol levels, and has actually has been shown to lower insulin (the fast storage hormone)!

I am not suggesting spending a lot of money and buying expensive things. Nothing in my home is ‘brand name’ and I buy most of my décor items from stores like Winners, Marshalls and Target.  I will buy a nice picture frame on sale and put my fave family photo in it and proudly put it on display.  You don’t even need to actually buy new things; just giving your rooms a good cleaning, and a decorating ‘refesh’ (maybe something you had in another room might look great in a different location). 

Filling your life and surroundings with what you love to look at, smell and touch makes YOU feel special.  It makes YOU feel like you are worth making that effort for, because you totally are.  If you live alone this is especially important.  Perhaps you live with others but no one else cares about stuff like this; that’s not the point.  You do what makes your heart sing; tell yourself YOU are so special.  Don’t wait for someone else to tell you or wait for them to give it to you. Tell yourself and give it to yourself.

Believe it or not, feeling these happy thoughts really does help us with the mental game that is a huge part of weight loss and well as the physical part.

Do you surround yourself with the things you love to look at, smell and feel?  Do you think it’s important to do this for yourself?  If not, why not?

Join the discussion in my Intentionally Bare Keto Support Group on Facebook!

You got this!


~ Intentionally Bare


❗️ DISCLAIMER:  Health information given here is based on public research and is not meant to take the place of your doctor's advice. Always do your own research and discuss it with your health practitioner before trying a new diet, supplement or exercise plan.


❗️ DISCLOSURE:  I manufacture a line of 100% natural keto products under the brand name, Intentionally Bare. These products will be mentioned from time to time because they are amazingly healthy and fantastic for those on a ketogenic diet or anyone looking to improve their health. I am also a participant in the Amazon services LLC Associates Program, designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to** I ONLY ever post a link to products I personally USE and LOVE!