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Intentionally Bare Blog

Why Do Intermittent Fasting?

There is a lot of information out there about intermittent fasting. I admit, at first I didn’t think it was anything I wanted to do personally…until I did my research and learned the amazing health benefits of intermittent fasting.

You’ve probably heard that it helps you lose weight fast, but it also ramps up the strength of our body and brain... this is the part that fascinates me! The anti-aging process is marvelous! Fasting increases the production of stem cells and our body turns stem cells into any kind of cell it requires, and uses them to replace expired or damaged cells, keeping you younger on a cellular level. Stem cells are great for your skin, joints, old injuries and chronic pain. It speeds up injury repair and recovery.

Intermittent fasting goes hand in hand with the keto diet, especially for weight loss. It is natural. It is affordable. It is accessible. It is adaptable.

Intermittent fasting limits the eating cycle. The basic philosophy of fasting permits you to consume calories as much as you want in your "feeding" time, while food intake in fasting is restricted. This works great on its own, but combined with the keto diet, it’s quite amazing. Your body will turn into a fat burning machine.

In fasting, your body is using stored fat in your body for energy and you lose body fat. The basic aim of fasting with the keto diet is to induce ketosis, a metabolic state where the body goes from burning glucose to burning fat for fuel.

The reason why your body starts burning fat in the absence of glucose is to provide energy for your cells but also to produce ketones, mostly to fuel your brain. Ketones molecules are water soluble, which means they replace glucose when carb consumption is low.

Both intermittent fasting and the keto diet have been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and normal blood sugar levels, which is crucial for weight loss. Since both diets have the ability to stabilize blood sugar levels, taking a combined approach is considered helpful with type 2 diabetes. Stable blood sugar levels also help for cutting brain fog as well as improving focus, concentration, and memory.

It is worth sharing that you do not need to force yourself and start feeling hungry too much. It should be a gradual transition, where you slowly get your body used to it by putting your next meal off slightly every day until you give up it entirely.

How intermittent fasting works:

How intermittent fasting works is you have a certain amount of time where you do not eat (fasting window) and a certain amount of time when you eat (eating window). Common protocols are: 16:8, 20:4 and 23:1 (this last 1 is also known as OMAD—1 meal per day). There are also many ways to do it…some will have water and black tea/coffee during the fasting window…some will have some fat during the fasting window. Look up Dr. Jason Fung or Dr. Eric Bert on YouTube and search "intermittent fasting" to get a ton of knowledge on how it works and the different ways you can do it.

Skip meals: This is when you skip a meal to induce the fasting state. Usually people choose breakfast, but others prefer to skip lunch.

12:12: The best way to start out for beginners to fasting. It used to be quite normal for people to fast for 12 hours.

16:8: This is considered the most popular of all the intermittent fasting schedules. It says an 8-hour eating window with a 16-hour fasting window. For example, only eating between the hours of noon and 8:00 p.m.

23:1 (Omad – 1 meal per day). You fast for 23 hours and eat for 1 hour.

24:0: This is where you go into extended fasting periods, and do not eat for 1 day.

20:4 (Warrior Diet): A 20-hour fasting diet is called a “Warrior Diet.” Inspired by the eating habits of ancient Spartan and Roman warriors, this plan was created by Ori Hofmekler. It requires you to eat all your food within a four hour window.

You can fast every day or a few times a week. Some people will even fast for a week straight and then not fast for weeks. Personally I like to fast Monday to Friday and then I do regular keto on the weekends. My preferred protocol is 20:4, and I find it very easy.


Breakfast: Fatty coffee (see the recipe at the end)

Noon: Work out (working out on an empty stomach helps you to lose more weight).

2:00: Fatty coffee

400: Bone broth spinach protein drink (see the short video at the end)

5:00: Keto dinner (Note: If you have a low-functioning thyroid, it’s important that you do not skimp on your daily calories. I have a low-functioning thyroid, so I make sure I get the balance of my daily calories in this keto meal).

Every day, once a week or twice a week, the schedule is up to you. Do what makes you feel good and listen to your body.

Need to know more about my intermittent fasting routine? I talk more about it in my Intentionally Bare Facebook group! I would love for you to join me and 15,000 other keto lovers!

You got this!
Leta ~ Intentionally Bare

DISCLAIMER: The information in this blog is for educational and informational purposes only. The content in here is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or heard here.