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Intentionally Bare Blog

Today is a New Day


No one is perfect... I certainly am not.

I live the Keto lifestyle and don’t really think much about eating any other way, because I feel so great all of the time.

However... there have been times when I have veered off the Keto path... I am not going to say “I’ve blew it” because that sounds more like back in the bad old days when I was on some ‘diet,’ and I would go off of the ‘plan’ and then my next thought was “well I’ve really blown it now, so I may as well pig out... I failed, and now I am going to really punish myself”.

There are times when being in ketosis is not feasible. I always tell people, at least try to be as low carb as possible in any given situation. From a health perspective, this is so important, we do not want to spike our insulin levels over and over. From a Keto perspective, it’s a lot easier to get back into ketosis if we are at least eating low carb.

I believe Keto is about eating whole foods, but there are times, though when you are not ‘perfect’ but want to jump back into ketosis quickly. You can go on a ‘fat fast,’ do ‘intermittent fasting’ and just jump back into Keto and wait for your body to get back into fat burning mode.

You can also use BHBs (beta-hydroxybutyrate) to help get you into ketosis fast. There is nothing wrong with getting a little help, but we don’t want to purposely eat high carb and then take BHBs as a way to do Keto ongoing... that is not a health plan. Eat whole foods, get your good fats in, and use BHBs (US | Canada) when needed or as an energy boost before your workouts.


Need a little more accountability on your Keto journey? Join my Facebook group and get daily support from me and over 13,000 other members who are just like you!

You got this!
Leta ~ Intentionally Bare

DISCLAIMER: The information in this blog is for educational and informational purposes only. The content in here is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or heard here.