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Intentionally Bare Blog

September is the Perfect Time for a Fresh Start

Alrighty folks, it’s the end of August and I think there’s no better month to make a fresh start than September!

January is a good month too, but there is something so exciting about September!  I have such fond memories of how excited I would get at the end of August when my Mom would take me to the store to pick out all my school supplies and new clothes... it was the BEST!

The kids are back in school, most holidays and socializing is over, we’re harvesting our gardens and gearing up for winter.  This is also the time of year many of us like to purge our house, cleaning and getting rid of things that no longer serve us.

So speaking of ‘no longer serving us’... if we’ve been laxy daisy with our health plan (a little too much food, drink and too little movement and water), well our September 30 Day Consistency Challenge is JUST what you need! (sign up for this challenge by going to the pinned post in Featured/Announcements in my Intentionally Bare Keto Support Group).

🔹 New Perspective

Forgive yourself if you let things slide over the summer.  That was then, this is now.  Decide that for the month of September you’re going to get back on track!

🔹 Make a Commitment

Commit yourself to our September 30 Day Consistency Challenge.  Get yourself your own accountability partner (in the group if they are in the challenge, or a friend/family member/neighbor).  Decide that this is the month you’re doing to make some good gains 😊

🔹 Purge Baby Purge

Get rid of the junk food and any foods that will not help you reach your goals.  Give them away, donate them or have someone hang on to them until a time when you want to use them or splurge.  Then make sure your kitchen is stocked with food that will help you be successful and will nourish your body and soul  😊

❓  Are you ready for a fresh start? 👇


You got this!

💗 Leta

~ Intentionally Bare


❗️ DISCLAIMER: Health information given here is based on public research and is not meant to take the place of your doctor's advice. Always do your own research and discuss it with your health practitioner before trying a new diet, supplement, or exercise plan.