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Intentionally Bare Blog

Motivational Monday: When Something Throws you Off

☕️ Motivational Monday 💖 December 7, 2020

Well, it's Monday....

Yesterday was one of those days that challenged me big time. I REALLY wanted to go off the rails yesterday... thoughts of popcorn were dancing in my head!

My daughter and I were talking last night about how things come up in our lives that can really throw us off, and most times they aren't even the big things (quick overview of yesterday... new hair stylist... went horribly wrong... I could try out for a part in Halloween 5... getting it fixed Friday... just add it to 2020, ha ha).

So what do we do? We admit it when something is crappy, we acknowledge it. We regroup.

Like we talked about last week on our Coffee with Leta chat, we:

  1. Make a Plan
  2. Take Action
  3. Set Ourselves up for Success

I'm so glad today is Day 1 of our 3 Day Bone Broth Cleanse (if you want to join us, see the Official Post and the Day 1 Post in Announcements) because this IS my plan, my action and I have everything ready to be successful!

 How do you regroup when something throws you off? We’ve got a great discussion going in my Intentionally Bare Keto Support Group on Facebook! I’d love for you to join us there!


This week in the GROUP!

▶️ Challenges: 3 Day Bone Broth Cleanse starts TODAY! (info in Announcements)

▶️ Coffee with Leta: Do to the 'hair situation', Coffee with Leta is cancelled this week. 'My Top 3 Tips for Gorgeous Skin & Lips' (obviously not hair! lol) will get pushed to next Wednesday

See you soon!



Health & Wellness Entrepreneur

Owner & CEO | Intentionally Bare