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Intentionally Bare Blog

Motivational Monday: Turning Desire into Reality

We all have things we really want to do or achieve... it could be weight loss, a fitness goal, an organized home, a new job...

Coming up with the idea is one thing, but how do we actually make it happen?

Let’s talk about the steps you need to take in order to turn desire into reality!

🔷 Focus on the Positive

There is a lot of research out there that shows a direct link between gratitude, positivity and creating the life you desire.  Take some time out of  your day (1st thing in the morning is best) to help set the tone for the day.

These are things I do daily to help me feel calm and balanced, and to support my wish for creating the life I want:

  • Upon waking, visualize how the day will go (100% happy and positive)
  • Big glass of water; ‘good digestion’ drink (see recipe attached)
  • Gratitude journal

[Thinking/writing what you are grateful for and focusing on positivity helps reduce stress, makes you realize what you want more of and helps you focus on what really matters]

  • Deep breathing, yoga/stretching

🔷 Make a Plan

Decide what it is you want to start or achieve.  You don’t have to feel like ‘doing it’ at this point, just write it out.

🔷 Action is the ‘activator’

Take action steps towards what is it that you want.  Let’s say you want to lose 10 pounds:

  • Clean out the cupboards of temptation
  • Make a menu for the week
  • Buy the groceries
  • Track your macros
  • Stop complaining (that’s being passive)... you’re in control of your life!

Just ‘thinking’ about it, without taking any actionable steps, is just daydreaming.


What is it that you really want?  What steps will you take to get it? 👇

You Got This! Leta