Winter can be so hard on the skin! Spring is around the corner and we want to have nice, smooth, dewy skin when we pull out our summer clothes!
I used to have chronically dry, bumpy skin. I’ve honed my skills over the years and now I am blessed to have soft, smooth, moisturized skin.
I’ll pass on the things that have worked well for me 😊
🔷 You are what you eat (and drink)!
I put this one first because it’s the most important. If you’re not prioritizing nutrition, you can put on all the lotion you want and it won’t do any good. Good skin comes from the inside out. Eating clean, healthy, chemical free food will produce glowing skin. 2 things I never go a day without: Vitamin E and my Intentionally Bare Collage + Biotin. Both have made a huge difference for my skin, hair and nails. Water, water, water!!! Besides curbing hunger, water hydrates the skin.
🔷 Scrub a dub dub
You have to slough off the dry, dead skin in order for your moisturizer to absorb into the skin and not just sit on top. Every time I shower I use those exfoliating gloves and give my whole body a good rub down. I also have a salt scrub that I like to use once in awhile too. Your body will feel tingly and energized after any type of exfoliation! It’s great for circulation too.
🔷 Seal it up
Now that we got the old, dead skin off, it’s time to lube up baby! I like to use chemical free body lotions that are thick and rich. My little secret is I add a few drops of my Intentionally Bare Pure C8 MCT oil to the lotion (in my hands), then rub all over. The MCT Oil is SO beneficial to the skin! The antibacterial and hydrating properties of MCT Oil make it so great on the skin!
❓ What tips do you have to make your skin soft, smooth and moisturized? 👇
❗️ * Health information given here is based on public research and is not meant to take the place of your doctor’s advice. Always do your own research before trying something new.