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Intentionally Bare Blog

Motivational Monday: Summer’s Coming! On Track or Not Tracking?

Woo hoo, winter is FINALLY over and summer is just around the corner, and so is bathing suit season!

If you haven’t been on your game, you still have time to turn this thing around and feel amazing in the skin you’re in before summer gets here.

I can’t tell you how many times summer would come along (pre-keto), I would try on last year’s clothes and how disappointed I felt in myself when they were all tight.  It’s especially upsetting when you know you could have changed things earlier but chose not to, and now here we are.

Yes, the past year has been tough in so many ways.  It has not been easy for any of us.  I can tell you that I have gained weight (for the first time in 4 years) and it’s upsetting.  But you know what would be even worse?  Not doing anything about it.

Have a good talk with yourself.  What’s done is done.  The past cannot be rewritten but the future is now.  NOW is the time to take action!

There is still a good 6+ weeks left before summer (depending on where you live), still plenty of time to get it together, if you need to get it together.

But here’s the thing, you need to...

Own it

Be real with yourself.  Own what you are doing or not doing.


Look yourself in the mirror and give yourself a pep talk.  Tell her she is worth it!

Guessing isn’t Knowing

You can wing it all you want, but nothing will give you the same results as tracking. 


If you just can’t track, at least track your carbs.

Make a Plan

Decide what you’re going to do with your keto plan.  Regular keto?  Intermittent fasting? Make a plan! 


Clean out your cupboards and get rid of (or put out of sight) your trigger foods, things you can’t seem to say no to.  Buy the foods that are going to make you successful.  Plan your menu ahead of time.

We’ll be chatting about this on Monday, April 19 at 4:00 pm PST (Coffee with Leta) and I would love it if you joined us! (click here and click on 'get notified')

(if you see this after this date/time, you can still watch the replay by clicking here)

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💗 Leta

~ Intentionally Bare


❗️ Health information given here is based on public research and is not meant to take the place of your doctor’s advice. Always do your own research before trying something new.