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Intentionally Bare Blog

Motivational Monday: Don't Compare Yourself To Others

One thing I can tell you for certain is that everyone’s weight loss journey is completely unique.  Some people have never dieted in their lives before starting keto, then they start and BOOM, huge fast weight loss.  Others have been prolific dieters their whole lives and have sluggish metabolisms.  Some people have a lot of health issues that the body must make a priority once they start keto, and weight loss is not going to go as fast for them.  Someone who is 65 is not going to lose as fast as someone who is 30.

We read the posts when someone is sharing their success, and while we are genuinely happy for them, we may secretly feel like we aren’t doing as well as they are and wonder what we are doing wrong.

Usually we are not doing anything wrong.  We each have our own race to run and the journey can be a lot slower for some than others.  The only person we should be comparing ourselves to is ‘ourselves’ because that is the only fair comparison we can make. 

If you feel you are doing ‘everything right’ and have been stuck for a long time, make sure that you’ve joined my Intentionally Bare Keto Support Group on Facebook. Once you’re there, you can post in the group and get help!  Be prepared to post your macros and give us some details on your daily eating plan, and we will be happy to help!

Strive to be your best self, not a version of someone else.  YOU are amazing!

You got this!


~ Intentionally Bare

❗️ DISCLAIMER:  Health information given here is based on public research and is not meant to take the place of your doctor's advice. Always do your own research and discuss it with your health practitioner before trying a new diet, supplement or exercise plan.

 ❗️ DISCLOSURE:  I manufacture a line of 100% natural keto products under the brand name, Intentionally Bare. These products will be mentioned from time to time because they are amazingly healthy and fantastic for those on a ketogenic diet or anyone looking to improve their health. I am also a participant in the Amazon services LLC Associates Program, designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to** I ONLY ever post a link to products I personally USE and LOVE!