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Intentionally Bare Blog

Motivational Monday: Don’t let your SET BACK prevent your GET BACK 💗

The thing that keeps us from moving closer to our goals isn’t as much about falling off of the keto wagon, as it is about what we say to ourselves when we do.  Falling off the wagon itself will certainly slow us down somewhat, but that is not the biggest thing that prevents us from heading in the right direction. 

The mental aspect of ‘failure’ is huge.  I use failure in quotes because veering off of our ideal keto plan is not failure, but that is usually what we interpret not eating perfectly to be.  If we change our mindset to be more like ‘deviating from our ideal plan’ and ‘a temporary detour’ it goes a long way to letting go of feeling disappointed in ourselves, which in turn can prevent us from getting back on the keto wagon faster.

What do you say to yourself when you go off your keto plan, or can’t seem to get back on it?

If you are hard on yourself when you go off your keto plan (doesn’t matter if it was a planned keto vacation, a last minute decision or an ‘oops’) what do you say to yourself?

🔹 “Once again I have failed”

You didn’t fail.  You purposely (or possibly circumstantially) stepped away from your preferred way of eating.  It was temporary.

🔹 “I just don’t have willpower”

Your willpower is dictated by your blood sugar. When you go off keto (especially if you do it more than just for one meal) your blood sugar will rise and having ‘willpower’ is not very likely. Cut out the worst offenders and get that blood sugar down.  It will be far easier to make good decisions then.

🔹 “I can’t do keto until my circumstances change”

Let’s be real here... sometimes this can be true, but most of the time it’s what we say to ourselves to give us permission to not try.  It’s a passive way of saying ‘I have no control’ when in fact we usually have total control.  If you truly just don’t want to do keto... OWN IT.  You are much more powerful when you own your own sh*t 💩

What if we talked to ourselves like this...

🔹 “Yup, I went off keto and I own it... now back to my preferred lifestyle”

No guilt, no shame, no coulda-shoulda-woulda.  It’s done, now moving on.  Try to take the emotion out of it and realize that keto IS your lifestyle, and what you did then was not.


☕️ Coffee with Leta

We’ll be chatting about this topic on Monday, May 17 at 4:00 pm PST and I'd love it if you’d joined us! (click link and click on 'get notified') 👇

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👉 What do you say to yourself when you fall off the keto wagon?  What do you say to yourself to get back on? 👇

💗 Leta

~ Intentionally Bare


❗️ Health information given here is based on public research and is not meant to take the place of your doctor’s advice. Always do your own research before trying something new.