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Intentionally Bare Blog

Motivational Monday: 3 Tips to NOT Backslide this Summer!

After a very long year, we are getting back into socializing and traveling, yay!  This summer will be cherished and not taken for granted that’s for sure.  As great as this time is, it can be a real challenge to not gain weight.  How can we have a great summer and participate in everything we want to do, but not gain weight?  It can be done!  I’ll give you 3 tips that are really helpful during the summer.

How can we have a great summer and participate in everything we want to do, but not gain weight?

It can be done!  Here are 3 tips that are really helpful during the summer:

🔹 Plan Ahead

  • If you fail to plan, you plan to fail
  • Know what your overall plan is a week at a time
  • Functions on the weekend? Hit it hard during the week
  • Functions in the evenings? OMAD (Guide 6)
  • Going to a potluck? Ask what you can bring!
  • ALWAYS have your arsenal in your purse! (MCT Oil Capsules, Stevia, Flavor drops)
  • Bring your own low/no carb beverages
  • Bring your own zero/low carb alcohol if you want to drink

🔹 One and Done

  • Don’t let one meal become a day
  • Don’t let one day become a weekend
  • Don’t let a weekend become a week
  • Deciding to go off keto temporarily is not an excuse to let it all go
  • Try hard to have your one meal... and be done! Back to keto


🔹 Fast

  • Fasting more when you have nothing going forgives a multitude of sins, lol
  • Do 16:8 or OMAD daily (Guide 6)
  • Try a longer fast (Guide 6)
  • Throw in a 3 Day Bone Broth Cleanse (Guide 5)

You know what’s a huge win?  MAINTENANCE!  If you have a lot going on, don’t put the pressure on yourself to be hitting it hard.  Maintenance is a HUGE win!

☕️ Coffee with Leta

We’ll be chatting about this topic on Monday, June 7 at 4:00 pm PST and I'd love it if you’d joined us! 👇

If you see this after this date/time, you can still watch the replay by clicking that link

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All replays are stored in Guide 7 👉 Can’t find the link on Mondays? I pin then in Announcements!

💗 Leta

~ Intentionally Bare