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Intentionally Bare Blog

Motivational Monday: Are you Food BORED? Ways to get Food EXCITED!

It’s so easy to get into a rut when it comes to our keto lifestyle.  Too many ‘salad with chicken’ meals can make mealtime very uneventful.  Yes, we’re supposed to ‘eat to live and not live to eat’ but there is nothing wrong with our meals being really enjoyable!  We definitely don’t want boredom to set in and start getting daydreams of foods that aren’t going to support our health and weight loss efforts dancing in our heads.

There are ways we can get a win-win… making our food choices enticing and fun to plan and prepare!

Are you ‘Food Bored?’

There are some foods that I MUST have pretty much everyday as I feel they make such a difference to my health and I really love eating them, but admit that sometimes I can be super boring when it comes to dinner time.  I don’t always plan ahead and I just play ‘fill in the macros’ for dinner... it works in a pinch, but it isn’t usually too exciting and it makes me want to eat a little extra ‘somethin somethin’ after dinner to make up for it, ugh

So I started to think of some ways to ‘spice things up’ in the kitchen:

🔹 Browse through your keto cookbooks

Come on admit it, you have keto cookbooks/magazines you never look through. Even any ‘book’ that teaches keto has recipes in it. Pull them out when you’re relaxing or watching tv, actually read through the pages and see what strikes your fancy (NOT on the day you want to make it, but before you are going grocery shopping).  Have a sticky pad with you and flag every recipe you want to try.  Add ingredients you need to your grocery list so you’ll be ready!

🔹 Track your macros

This may seem like an odd thing to suggest, but hear me out.  Many of us *cough* do lazy keto, or fast a lot so we don’t feel we need to track as much.  But when you ‘feel’ you can eat what you want, food can become less exciting.  When you know you are on a ‘food allowance’ it can make food more exciting!  I get giddy when I figure out I can have ½ cup of raspberries in my Greek yogurt, because I tracked it in my macro tracker and KNOW I can afford the carbs!


If you have tried ‘one meal a day’ before, you know how exciting it is when you get to mealtime!  If you do OMAD it’s important to plan ahead so you get awesome nutrient dense and enjoyable foods into your meal.  Throwing together stuff from the fridge you didn’t love the first go around ain’t gonna cut it.  Make this one meal COUNT!

🔹 Save interesting recipes (so you can find them)

Do you see people post interesting recipes?  Do you see good recipes on Tik Tok, Pinterest or YouTube?  I copy the links, or screenshot the posts and I save them in the ‘Notepad’ on my phone.  This way anytime I want to try something new, I know where to go and that I thought these recipes are experiment worthy.

☕️ Coffee with Leta

We’ll be chatting about this topic on Monday, May 10 at 4:00 pm PST and I'd love it if you’d joined us! (click link and click on 'get notified') 👇

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👉 Have you been ‘Food Bored?’  What things have you done to spice things up in the kitchen? 👇

💗 Leta

~ Intentionally Bare


❗️ Health information given here is based on public research and is not meant to take the place of your doctor’s advice. Always do your own research before trying something new.