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Intentionally Bare Blog

Coffee with Leta: Losing Weight and Feeling Great with Ashley Crimmins

Step away from the scale

Every Monday in my Intentionally Bare Keto Facebook group, I have a feature called Coffee with Leta. It’s either a video chat or a Live, where we have a discussion about Keto. A while back, I had a discussion with group member Ashley Crimmins about her keto journey.

Something really struck me about Ashley’s journey, and I wanted to share it with you. Ashley first began her journey soon after giving birth to her second baby. That attempt didn’t last long for her; it just wasn’t the right time. But after a few months of research, she and her husband jumped in full force. Here’s what made the difference the second time around:

Mindset – She was ready to make the change to strict keto.

Support – Her spouse went keto when she did. That made a huge difference for her.

She was ready to make time – Being able to make time to cook and go to the gym matters. For some people, it’s easier to start when you have a few weeks with no outside obligations, so you have those habits formed. Her baby was older, so she wasn't also dealing with newborn sleep deprivation.

The jumped all in – There was no adjustment period, they just dived into the deep end. That worked best for them. You have to do what works best for them.

Another important piece of advice from Ashley? Step away from your scale. Trying to track your weight loss daily may frustrate you. It’s normal for our weight to fluctuate day to day, and if you spend time trying to figure out why you gained half a pound when you were super-strict the day before, you may give up, or feel your self-esteem take a plunge. If you can walk away from the scale for a while, you’ll find it easier to feel successful.

Want to check out the whole video? You can see it here:

Want to make sure that you catch all of my Coffee with Leta videos and Live chats? Stop by my Intentionally Bare Facebook group! I can’t wait to see you there!